Camera Hacking Tool for Termux - Practical Video


Camera Hacking Tool for Termux

Camera Hacking Tool for Termux

A new bash script for termux users to hack any android webcam by sending a link to your victim. When I publish video regarding camera hacking, my video removed from YouTube. But this website has no restrictions. I upload full practical video on this website.

Camera hacking tool for termux, If you search this keyword on Google, you find a lot of results on Google. But if you want t find only tools, then make sure to add GitHub word in the search keyword. But I don't think every tool on Google works properly.

We use termux app, if you don't know about termux and want to install it then must check out the article about download termux from f-droid and install the termux app. We use some commands to install cam phish tool in termux and generate a phishing link.

When the link is generated, send this link to your victim and if your victim open the link and submit information about his account, then all the information is showing in your termux screen. This is how phishing links work but, in camphish tool, when you send a link to your victim.

And your victim open the link, the link asks for camera permission and after allowing the permission, the phishing tool starts taking pictures of your victim. This is how camera hacking tool for termux work. Please use the above commands to install this tool in termux.


  • apt update
  • apt upgrade
  • pkg install git
  • pkg install curl
  • pkg install php
  • pkg install openssh
  • git clone
  • cd WishFish
  • chmod +x * 
  • bash

Copy the above commands step by step and paste it in your termux terminal. Termux is the only android app that can help you to hack any facebook account and teach you how to perform different attacks. One more thing, if you face any error like " No such file or directory "  that's mean you put wrong command. That why I said in my every video, please copy and paste all commands, don't try to write it manually.

When you put the last command bash then your tool will be executed. And then may this tool ask you for a ngrok link. If you don't know what is ngrok and how to use it, then this article helps you setup ngrok token in termux

After putting the ngrok token, you have to enable the hotspot of your mobile phone to generate ngrok link. Copy the generated link and send it to your victim and force him/her to click on that link. After this ngrok link, click the photos of your victim and send all the photos in your termux.

How to See Captured Photos?

When you get all the images from your victim, then press Ctrl and then press c. This action stop your tool for getting images from your victim. Then put ” ls ” command to see photos in your tool. After that, we use a command to move all the photos in your android phone.

mv image.png/sdcard

The above command helps you move the capture image in your phone. You have to replace the image name to the actual name of saved images. This command not work if you paste the same command without adding the actual name of received images. Must read to fix back to safety error in Chrome browser.

Please watch this practical video for the further information. I try my best to explain everyone, how to hack and track someone using termux app. Click the below button to download or watch practical video.

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