How To Make Password List in Termux & Linux

 Most of the peoples want to hack someone social media account, but they ask for new method like brute force attack. They think phishing attack is no more helping us to hack someone. In brute force attack, we need two types of word list. Target base wordlist is perfect and common base password list is availible on internet, you just search and download it from Google.

In target base wordlist, we create password list in termux or Kali Linux using our victim information. Don't worry, I explain everything in this article about how to make password list in termux. Phishing is also a good method for Instagram Hacking and Facebook Hacking.

We use cupp tool to make word list in termux. But if you have Kali Linux, then go for it. Make sure to install termux from f-droid and open termux terminal. After that, you have to install the cupp tool. Please copy and paste the bellow commands step by step and install this tool.

Make Password list in termux

Cupp tool is very advance and easy to use, when you put the last command and run the tool you need to put some information about your victim and make wordlist. If you want to use any other tool, then search on Google for more GitHub tools.

I have some explanation about the above commands. The command apt update and upgrade is used to update all the packages in termux app. Then we put the second command to install git package in termux.

This tool is coded in python language, and you have to install Python tool in termux. Just put the third command pkg install python to make password list in termux. Copy the git clone link to download the cupp tool in termux.

Let's jump to the last command when you put the last command and hit the enter button, your tool will be executing and ask for your victim information to make word list. You have some knowledge about your victim like his name or email etc. If you don't have idea about the victim information, then go and visit his social media accounts to collect this type of information.

Make Password List in Termux

As I mentioned in the start of my article, this type of password list can e used in brute force attack and brute force attack helps you to hack PayPal account. This type of hacking attack is very powerful if you make strong wordlist for your victim.

These commands can be used in Kali Linux to install this tool. Just copy and paste it in your Kali Linux terminal one by one. Now if you want to see the tutorial of this tool then click on the practical video button to download the video.
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