Report Facebook ID Using Termux


Report Facebook ID Using Termux

Report Facebook ID Using Termux

Welcome to the latest article about the Facebook reporting tool. In this article, I'm going to cover the advance tool to report any Facebook account using the termux app.

In my recent article, I cover the most advance phishing tool for termux. And now we are going to run this Facebook reporting tool, to repot Facebook ID using termux. This is very simple to use this tool.

Even if you're new user on termux, and you don't know anything about this tool, then you just have to follow my instruction step by step and this tool will be installed in your termux app.

Now, the question is! Do you know about termux app? And where we can download the app? Well, I never suggest you to download termux app from the play store. So you have to download termux app from F-Droid.

On F-droid, you get the latest version of this app. And you can run any program on that version. But why termux?? Can we use Kali Linux? So I said yes! Kali Linux is the most advance OS for the PC users, even you can run Kali Linux Online.

Must follow these commands to report Facebook ID using termux app. Just copy the command one by one and paste in the termux terminal.


  1. apt update
  2. apt upgrade -y
  3. pkg install git -y
  4. pkg install php
  5. git clone
  6. cd BRUTEFORCEnew
  7. pip2 install requests
  8. pip2 install mechanize
  9. chmod +x *
  10. sh

After putting the last command, This tool executed and the tool interface is appeared in front of you. There are many options in this tool, but specifically we are talking about, report Facebook ID using termux then we select option 9.

Termux is the best OS for the android users, even you can hack WhatsApp account using termux app. My whole website is related to the hacking content on termux and Kali Linux. So make sure to visit the site for more tools.

I don't think I need to explain the above commands. If you subscribe to me, then you're already a pro hacker in the word of black-hat hacking. You can copy and apply the commands and that's it!

One most amazing thing about this tool is, you don't need to log in your Facebook account while starting the report attack. You just put the target ID and this tool automatically send the bulk report attack on that account.

But remember one thing, this tool only works on the fake accounts. If you try this attack on the real ID, then these reports are totally useless. 

At the end if you were still facing some understanding issues with my English and you don't understand how to run this tool then click on the below button to watch the practical video.

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